The Prayer

Marriage License

The Girl with the Black Eye
The Prayer
Marriage License
The Girl with the Black Eye
When we woke up on Day 5 we were not-so-joyously greeted by rain and thunderstorms. But, on with the trip! We crossed the Shannon estuary by ferry and entered County Clare. From there, we went for a walk along the Cliffs of Moher, rising approximately 700 feet above the pounding Atlantic waves below. Then we traveled north across the Burren, a suddenly stark and barren landscape. After our little jaunt in the country, we stopped in at Rathbaun Farm and met a Galway farming family who had afternoon tea and scones ready for us to eat. Next on the tour was Galway "City of the Tribes".
On the morning of Day 8, we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the castle, and then we crossed the midlands back into Dublin for our last day/night in our now beloved Ireland. It was bittersweet being back in Dublin, because me and Rachel knew that in the morning we would be boarding a plane back to the states. It's amazing how much you can come to love something in what seems such a short ammount of time. That's how it was for us and Ireland. Once you go, you can never forget it.
Early that morning we were driven to the very tiny Dublin Airport to board our flight back to America. I think me and Rachel were both sniffling as we looked out the window of the plane to our beautiful Ireland, a country of heritage, liveliness, and love, of which will never be forgotten.
Needless to say, we had an amazingly wonderful (not to mention memorable) trip.
Memories, memories...