Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 NIV

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just Don't.

Don't ever go away.
Don't get married, don't grow up, don't go out of the country (scratch that, city), don't grow up, don't go to college, don't grow up, don't ever stop bossing me around (it's kinda cute), don't ever grow out of those adorable itty-bitty hanes underwear, don't ever wear sunglasses (those eyes are just to beautiful to hide) don't grow up.
Please stay this way forever? And ever? I don't think your big sister can take anymore of this foolishness.


Anonymous said...

Awww...precious.....just precious.. :*)

Yep, the years go by too fast.

Laura, I'm the oldest of 5. Momma had four girls and 12 years after I was born, Momma gave birth to "the boy"...and life was never the same!

We all were so in love with that fascinating, michevious little creature :)
(My brother has beautiful blue eyes too!)

He kept us all on our toes! He made us all laugh and smile with his funny antics. (He still does!)

Ours grew up, left home, met and married a precious woman, and is now expecting his own child.

....And because he lives so far away,I miss him greatly. I miss the special, quiet times we used to spend together where we would just sit and talk about whatever was running through his inquisitive mind. I miss our closeness. I miss the years that have passed from when he was so cute and cuddly.

So hug and smooch him everyday! Tell him how much you love him! And make a point to create special memories with him. This time wont last forever.

One day you're going to wake up and wonder where all the time went, and what you were so busy doing while this little creature grew up. It'll happen before you know it!

Enjoy your "baby brother" and treasure every moment...Before you know it, you'll be seeing a man!

......And your heart will swell with pride, and you'll have a lump in your throat when you think back over the years and remember the precious little boy that you've helped to raise and nurture.

Blessings and love to you all.

p.s...Oh, and when you get a chance, hide a pair of those itty-bitty hanes undies so you can look back on the years and reminisce. (you can give them to his son one day!) They are just too cute! :)

leah said...

i love christopher! i think i am going to blog a big sister response about grown up little brothers. be on the lookout.


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