Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 NIV

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The German Shepherds

Here are some pictures of our silly German Shepherds. :) Enjoy! God Bless!


They absolutely *love* water. I'm pretty sure they think that they are labradors. ;D

And of course, don't forget His Royal Highness, the Corgi. :)

I know, I know, I know; more pictures of dogs. I need to liven up my life and get something interesting to write about ;D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys :)

Boy #1
Boy #1 being adorable

I get to spend every Wednesday morning with Boy #1. Aren't you jealous?
Boy #2 -- ;D
I get to spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with Boy #2!
Boy #2 - #3
Boy #3 doesn't come quite as often as would be desired, so Boy #2 is very excited when Boy #3 comes to play :)
Ah! Busy, busy, busy morning! Fed the horses, milked the cow (daddy was gone this morning, so that left us to do his milking :D) made (yummy) chocolate chip muffins....and now, I am about to start drivers ed! Only 4 more tests to pass!! YAY. After that, I have GOT to finish my wrap skirt that I have been working on......oh, the life of a procrastinator. Lol. But, I will definitely post pictures after I am done :O And...HOPEFULLY, get directions up. :)
OH. I was just pondering the idea of hosting a Spring Week in Skirts in Dresses. How does that sound? Maybe start Monday, May 3rd? Now that it is officially Spring, and we all have our Spring and Summer clothes out, I thought that it would be fun :) Well, tell me your thoughts. I just had such a lovely time participating in the last one. LOVELOVELOVE!
In Him,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Of Seedlings; And Photo Shoots :)

I love Spring. Really, it's true. I feel like overnight, God took his paintbrush and created a wonderland for us to live and flourish in. I love flowers, and green (no, not gray) grass, and sparkling blue swimming pools. :) (Although, I ought to mention, ours is blue, but not quite sparkling. It is rather cloudy at the moment. Mom is at her wits end, she can't get it un-cloudy. Any suggestions?)

As of Wednesday, there has been dirt constantly under my fingernails and in the creases (ugh) of my hands, thanks to our beautiful flower boxes (I must say, they do look divine). AND, my seedlings have FINALLY come up. I am so excited. Like, you have no idea how happy I am. You all should see me. I have been an OCD freak mother hen for the past two weeks waiting for my *babies* to come up. Haha. First came the Zinnias (giant, dwarf, large violet, white purity, state fair mix) next came the Sunflowers, then my Moss Roses decided to show themselves, and then the California Poppy's got jealous, and decided that they would come up so everybody could see them too. (You can't let the Zinnias have all the fun). AND FINALLY, after I was about to have a conniption fit, quite tardily, the Lupines popped there heads up out of the soil.

Don't laugh at me, I PRE-WARNED you. I am in love with the beauty of God's creation. :) I *love* to make things beautiful.

And, finally, my daddy had me get the hawk (Majesty) out yesterday to get some pictures of her for friends. As we were innocently taking pictures, Fruity (my little brothers Jersey Calf) came up and started to (very naughtily ;P) disturb the peace. I give you evidence:

Have A Wonderfully Beautiful day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

And I'll Be By Your Side

Whatever is going on in your life today, remember that there is always a Holy God, standing by your side to dry your tears. Hold Fast.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Winter is now gone...

And Spring has sprung...


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